
Growing your camp is possible with social media

Many camps tell me they aren’t interested in social media consulting because they aren’t looking to grow their enrollment. While this is a great problem to have, I’m disappointed to hear about camps that aren’t interested in growing past their current state. Of course, it is normal for camps to be comfortable with their current size, and it’s true that growing a camp past its capacity can be time-intensive and expensive (more staff, more buildings, etc.) But what I want camps to know is that anything is possible when you leverage social tools.

Seth Godin wrote an incredible blog post in 2010 that goes something like this:

“All you need to know is that it’s possible. One of the under-reported stories of the internet is this: it constantly reports on what’s possible. Somewhere in the world, someone is doing something that you decided couldn’t be done. By calling your bluff and by pointing out the possibilities, this reporting of possibility changes everything. You can view this as a horrible burden, one that raises the bar and eliminates any sinecure of comfort and hiding you can find, or you can embrace it as a chance to stretch. Most organizations forget to ask the question in the first place.”

Please contact me: blake (at) socialsummercamp (dot) com if you are interested in growing your camp. I would love to walk you through how to plan expansion and social media strategy hand in hand.