Analyze monthly marketing performance and do even better next month
Get clear and measurable information about your advertising and social media efforts that informs our team on how to improve. We will send monthly reports outlining the performance of each segment of your unique strategy and offer to walk you through it in a phone call. We will measure these statistics against last month’s numbers to see why you improved or how we can do better next time. We also monitor your social media accounts on a daily basis.
Facebook Insights lets you compare your performance to other pages like yours
Instagram Insights shows you where your followers are located, what their age range is, what the gender divide is, and which times of day and days they are most active
See how paid vs. organic posts reach more of your audience and their friends
Understand which posts get the most engagement from our reports
Get one reliable point of contact for all of your digital marketing needs. Your account manager will work with you to create top-tier content and advertising to retain campers and students while encouraging new signups.
Answer someone’s question with your Google Ad! Provide potential campers, students, and parents with the service or program that they have been searching for. We’ll help you optimize your ads to get them in front of only the most relevant people.