
Being your authentic self

I hear a lot from camp directors how many of their campers feel like they can only be their authentic self at camp. I know from my own camp experience too that there is something special about camp that lets you be closer to who you really are than the persona you have to hold up at school. Camp directors hold so dearly the idea that their campers can be so real at camp, yet I often see those same camp directors on social media trying to promote their camps in an unauthentic way. So today I wanted to share some quick tips on being your authentic self on social media for summer camps:

1. Keep promotional posts to a minimum:

I would say that any more than one or two promotional post a week is too many. Use promotional posts wisely but don’t over do it. Too many promotional posts make you seem like a promoter instead of an authentic camp director.

2. Use the same language that you would use at camp:

Language can go a long way in helping your camp be its authentic self in social media. Use the same language, wording and phrases you use at camp to help engage your camp community.

3. Share the realness:

Share real photos, videos and updates from camp during the off-season. If you are going through a trial or a problem, share openly as a great way to connect with your community. Remind your community of what it is like for them to be at camp.

In the world of social media it can definitely be hard to be your authentic self. It is much easier to just use your Facebook, Twitter, etc. to spout off promotional posts. The more you can encourage yourself and your staff to be and share their authentic selves online, the better social media will be for everyone.