
Google Search Insights for Camps

Google offers summer camps some great tools for learning more about what prospective parents are searching for. One tool, Google Trends, allows you to see what search terms are being searched for at certain times of the year. The image below shows last year's trend for searches using the following terms: summer camp texas (red), summer camp maine (blue) and summer camp new york (yellow). Understanding Google Search Insights could help you boost your website's traffic. The trend lines show what...

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Twitter Advertising for Summer Camps

Twitter released its self-serve advertising product to the public in April 2013 in an effort to give more small businesses the opportunity to share their message.   For summer camps Twitter advertising can be a great way to: 1. Make sure your important messages get read - We all know how easy it is to miss a tweet! Camps can promote specific tweets in an effort to make sure that they are reaching their current followers. 2. Target potential parents to drive camp sign-ups...

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