
How Pinteresting

Some of you may think that big red swirly P stands for procrastination, but Pinterest is striving for efficiency in ways you could have never imagined. I used to think that too, until I found what I was pinning to actually be useful and extremely relevant to my everyday life. Pinners spend an average of 15 minutes on Pinterest per visit. These pinners are made up of about 80% women, and 20% men and 23% of these pinners are active daily! Here’s why!

Are you thinking you’ll be publicly embarrassed if you are a male scrolling through Pinterest? We don’t shame. Pinterest is actually geared 50% towards men and offers countless options to see more male content in your feed. Pinterest is all inclusive! Here are two of the top posts by men.

Are you struggling to be crafty or just not cut out for the handy work? Grab your glue gun, your drill and your Pinterest app and get it done! Pinterest offers every Pintervention you could think of! With directions, tool lists, pictures, videos and more, a few pins can turn into a new deck or even a little paper airplane.

Curiously wandering through the grocery store or shopping mall wondering what to buy? Pinterest has a mobile app that lets you access all your favorite recipes and outfits right at your fingertips. Shocker! Everything is at our fingertips now a days.

I bet you’re also wanting to share those recipes that you tried and outfits that you bought with another Pinterest friend. Good thing Pinterest has a share feature that lets you send any pin in a message, and you can even chat with them over how you both love pinning so much.

Are you a business that’s looking for an alternative to your average social media platforms? Pinterest offers Promoted Pins that allows you to upload and budget your own pins making paid pins more visible in search results and category feeds!

Speaking of search results and category feeds. Pinterest is getting much smarter in learning what you like and how you like it with improvements in guided searching! Find everything you need, want and dream of with that big red swirly P.

You weren’t into Pinterest, but you are now!

This blog post was written by Social Summer Camp Summer Intern, Molly Bretz