
Updated – Save time by hiring a social media consultant for your camp

Social media marketing for summer camps is a full-time job! In fact, when I built out the chart below to estimate how many hours per month a camp should spend on social media, I was stunned to see my estimations top out somewhere around 55 hours per month! This is why hiring a consultant to do social media is so important. In general, the services of Social Summer Camp can take the time spent down to around 15 hours per month for your team. This allows almost any associate director (or director) to take on social media as a part-time endeavor with our help.

Hiring a consultant to assist with your camp’s marketing strategy is necessary when most campers and parents are online. Good social media content – from Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram – could entice a camper to sign up this summer.

Additionally, summertime is the optimal time to share branding messages on your social accounts, but chances are, camp directors don’t have much free time to do this. Your camp could be missing out on the opportunity to share exciting camp photos with your followers, which might boost next year’s enrollment.

If you want to talk with me about hiring a social media consultant, email blake (at) socialsummercamp (dot) com.