
Facebook Tests Related Videos

Facebook is testing a new "related videos" feature that surfaces similar videos after you finish watching one in your mobile News Feed, similar to You Tube recommended videos. This is a new feature that's currently being tested on mobile to help users discover more videos they may be interested in, noted in a recent article published by Mashable. In June, Facebook announced that users who regularly watch videos on the platform will see even more videos in their News Feed, and even made tweaks to the news feed algorithm in order...

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Facebook Advertising Updates

Facebook just announced new changes to its ad strategies that will make ad relevance on the site better than ever before. In the coming weeks, the company will start using information from the websites and apps you browse to determine ads that may interest you. So, for example, if a mom has recently researched summer camps online, Facebook will consider that one of her interests and will start showing her more ads about summer camps. Facebook is also adding new ad preferences...

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Facebook Video Ad Updates

If your camp has some great video content that you would love to share, this week’s news out of Facebook should be particularly exciting! You can now select “video views” as an objective when creating Facebook ad campaigns. This new objective automatically optimizes your ad performance by displaying your video ads to the users in your target audience who are most likely to watch videos on the site. Facebook is also improving the efficiency of the video ads themselves by adding two...

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