
Decoding your camp’s marketing budget

Most camps have a pretty fluid marketing budget, where they spend money on print ads, camp directories, attending camp fairs, driving to home parties, but they have not put a significant amount, or any, of that budget toward social media. I honestly believe that you should always shift your marketing budget toward what is working the best for your camp. If print ads drive a lot of new campers then you should continue to do them. But IF you are...

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What is your camp doing on mobile?

I ask my camps a lot about what they are doing on mobile. Here are the general responses I hear: Nothing :) We have a responsive website that works on mobile We are building or would like to build an app Here is what I don't hear from them, but would like to: I'm building a Facebook and Instagram strategy that will help me reach all of the people I want to on mobile. Of course I am super happy if you also have a responsive...

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Using forms to drive information requests

A lot of camps ask me where they should drive their social media ad traffic. This is a great questions and one that doesn't exactly have a good answer. If you are running social ads you are likely trying to drive new leads and ultimately information requests. Getting a new lead to input their information means that you now have their name, email, phone number and some information on their child, which you did not have before. However if you...

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Holiday promotion: What are you waiting for?

A few months back I covered holiday promotion for summer camps. If you haven't launched a plan yet for the holidays, it is almost too late! But, if you get your act together in the next few days you could have a few opportunities left. Here are the posts on what I wrote as a reminder: 1. Holiday planning for your camp 2. Developing your holiday marketing goals 3. Creating holiday-specific messaging 4. Executing and measuring your holiday marketing plan If you run a Jewish...

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Running Bing and Yahoo Ad Words

I never, ever, ever thought I would be running Ad Words on Bing. It's not that I have any problem with Bing, but I pretty much swear by the effectiveness of Google Ad Words and I never use Bing, so in general I have stayed away from the product entirely. Until my self-serve ad guru (and friend) Alyssa mentioned to me that she has seen success running Bing ads. But it wasn't really Bing that was super successful for her,...

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Facebook Custom Audiences

I'm actually shocked that I haven't written a blog post about Facebook Custom Audiences yet. This is an extremely important topic for summer camp marketers. Why, you ask? According to Facebook, "Custom Audiences let advertisers find their offline audiences among people who are on Facebook. Using email addresses, phone numbers, Facebook user IDs or app user IDs to make the match, Custom Audiences let you find the exact people you want to talk to. You can create a Custom Audience representing any...

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When should I start my social media efforts?

I get asked every single day by camp directors about the right timing for starting their social media efforts. The answer to this really depends on the camp and situation, but my answer always is "the longer you wait, the more you will miss out on." What I mean by that is: You will be missing many opportunities to promote your camp by not having a social media strategy in place You won't sign up new campers using these innovative channels that...

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Pinterest and advertising for summer camps

Last month Pinterest announced that they will be starting to provide promoted pins (also known as ads). They are currently testing this with a few companies and promoted pins will only show up in search results and category feeds. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before this is open to everyone and available in the Pinterest news feed. Of course, this is exactly how Facebook started out, first allowing a few promotions on their right hand side and...

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If you could only do one social media activity, what would it be?

A lot of camp directors I talk to are VERY short of time. In fact, most of the times their entire staff is short on time. I totally understand that, which is why I am posting today about the ONE social media activity you must do. This means, if you are short on time that you shouldn't do ANY activities except for this one. It's better to do one thing very well then to have a mediocre Twitter/Instagram/Blog/etc. If you can...

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Executing and measuring your holiday plan

In the last week I've covered how to develop your holiday marketing goals and how to create holiday-specific messaging that maps back to your goals. All of this is great, BUT if you don't execute on your plan and measure your success none of that will matter. Executing your plan should be pretty simple because you know 1. what your goals are and 2. what messaging your want to use to reach your goals. Usually executing on your holiday related...

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