
Videos Getting a Boost in News Feed

There was a really interesting article in the NY Times a few weeks ago about how Facebook’s news feed is giving a huge boost to video.

According to the article, “Since June, Facebook, which has about 1.3 billion monthly users worldwide, has served up an average of a billion video views a day, two-thirds of them on mobile devices. About 100 million new videos are uploaded every month. While that is a small fraction of YouTube’s traffic, it is up significantly from just a few months ago.”

That is A LOT of video views! They article also said “that people interacted more frequently with video than other types of posts.”

This is really important for summer camps, especially as they go into recruiting season. You should be asking yourself, how can I use more video in both my organic and advertising posts? Camps have the best videos around and with increased visibility in feed it is more important than ever to use them!